When Can You Eat After Undergoing a Gum Graft?

Aug 20, 2021 | Patient Education

When periodontal disease is left untreated and advances, it leads to gum recession. This leads the gum line to shrink, exposing the tooth roots. At Okanagan Perio, we offer gum grafting in Kelowna to improve the appearance of your gum line and protect your tooth roots from sensitivity and infection. Our periodontist near you uses many different techniques and technologies to ensure that you get the best treatment available.


What Causes Gums to Recede?

Gum recession is when the gum tissue surrounding the teeth pulls away from the roots of the teeth. When this happens, it causes pockets to form between the gum line and the teeth, allowing bacteria and food debris to build up in those areas. If left untreated, this condition can lead to gum damage and tooth loss.

There are many factors that can lead to gum recession, such as:

Gum disease – an infection of the gums that eats away at the gum tissue and is the primary cause of gum recession.
Hormonal changes – changes to the hormone levels in your body, including menopause or pregnancy, can cause your gums to become more sensitive.
Teeth clenching or grinding – both of these movements place unnecessary pressure on your teeth, leading to gum recession.
Inadequate oral hygiene routines – an at-home dental cleaning routine that does not involve brushing twice a day and flossing, allows bacteria and plaque to linger and turn into tartar, which leads to periodontal disease and thus gum recession.

If you have noticed that your gums are painful, red, or inflamed, it is a good idea to book a consultation with a periodontist in Kelowna to determine if you require gum grafting.


So, What Exactly is a Gum Graft?

There are many gum grafting techniques and treatments available, but all of them involve similar steps. When you visit Okanagan Perio for gum grafting near you, our periodontist will begin by numbing the area with a local anesthetic. Next, they will make a small opening in your gums to move the receded gum tissue back to its original position. Sometimes, tissue from the palate of your mouth will be used to help ensure the roots of your teeth are covered.

It is normal to experience minor swelling and discomfort for the first few days after your treatment, and our periodontist will provide you with antibiotics to ensure that you do not develop an infection. Healing typically takes about two weeks.


What Can You Eat After a Gum Graft?

It is recommended that you stick to a liquid or soft food diet for the first couple of days following your gum graft. On the first day of your surgery, we suggest only ingesting cold beverages and foods such as milkshakes, ice cream, and pudding. You should steer clear of acidic foods and beverages and avoid using a straw for a few days.

A follow-up appointment will be scheduled where our periodontist can evaluate your mouth to ensure that you are healing well and remove any sutures that are lingering in your mouth.


Learn More About Gum Grafting

If you would like to learn more about gum grafting and how it protects your oral health, visit our team at Okanagan Perio. We are happy to provide gum grafting services to our patients to enhance and protect their oral health and wellbeing.


You Don't Need A Referral To Visit Okanagan Periodontics