What is Periodontal Surgery and How Does it Treat Gum Disease?

May 13, 2021 | Patient Education

Sometimes, periodontal surgery is necessary to treat certain kinds of gum disease, such as periodontitis and gingivitis. This type of surgery is known as gum surgery. If you have been referred to a periodontist in Kelowna, here’s what you can expect from periodontal surgery.


What Conditions Can Gum Surgery Address?

Periodontitis and gingivitis may require surgical treatment. Gingivitis is a mild form of gum disease that results in bleeding, inflammation, and redness in the gums. Periodontitis is a more serious form of gum disease that happens when gingivitis is left untreated, leading to bone and tissue deterioration.


When the gums become inflamed, they begin to separate from the teeth, causing pockets to develop, which trap bacteria and lead to infection.


Types of Periodontal Surgery

The type of surgery your periodontist near you will perform depends on the type of gum disease you have and the severity of your specific case.


Before you have surgery, your periodontist will deep clean your gums to remove any lingering bacteria and tartar. There are several types of gum surgery that you may have, including:

#1 Flap Surgery

Flap surgery is a popular choice for individuals who have tartar deposits in their gum pockets. Flap surgery involves lifting gums off the teeth to remove the buildup of tartar. After your periodontist has removed the tartar and disinfected the area, they will stitch your gums back into place, so they fit snugly around your teeth.

#2 Tissue Grafting

Also known as gum grafting in Kelowna, tissue grafting is a procedure that addresses gum recession caused by the loss of gum tissue. When you visit Okanagan Perio for gum grafting near you, your procedure will involve your dental surgeon removing tissue from one part of your mouth and reattaching it to the area where the gum tissue has receded. This reduces the risk of further damage to your oral health and covers any exposed tooth roots.

#3 Bone Grafting

When the bone surrounding the tooth root has been damaged, a patient may require a bone graft. Bone grafting involves replacing the deteriorated bone with new bone to hold a tooth in place and help it stay healthy.


What Happens During Periodontal Surgery?

Depending on the type of gum surgery you get, a variety of things may happen. Most gum surgeries take about two hours to complete. In some cases, you will be put to sleep for your procedure, and in other cases, you will only need a local anesthetic to numb your gums. During your procedure, your periodontist will use sterile equipment to reduce the risk of infection.


Recovering from Periodontal Surgery

Your periodontist will provide you with detailed instructions on how to recover quickly and easily. Your recovery time will vary based on the extent of your gum surgery procedure. Usually, you will be required to take painkillers for the first few days after surgery. Your periodontist may also recommend:


  • Using an antiseptic mouthwash
  • Eating soft foods only
  • Avoiding smoking
  • Avoiding strenuous exercise


You will be asked to return to the periodontist office after about 1-2 weeks for a checkup.


Visit Okanagan Perio

If you have been told you require periodontal surgery, please visit our team at Okanagan Perio. We are happy to provide periodontal services to our patients and work with them each step of the way to ensure they feel comfortable and knowledgeable with their chosen procedure. Please contact us to book a consultation today!


You Don't Need A Referral To Visit Okanagan Periodontics